
Thursday, November 29, 2012


DMT or dimethyltryptamine is a chemical similar to serotonin that is stored in one's Pineal Gland. It is released in your brain before you were born, during meditation and when your body thinks it is dying; It is responsible for near death experiences. DMT is also found in every plant and animal on Earth.

DMT is one of the strongest psychedelics/hallucinogens (not all hallucinogens are psychedelics) known to man. When used as a drug, users will be blasted to another dimension within the mind where space and time no longer exists and many people say they get abducted by aliens or they see higher dimensional beings made of light and energy. But this is all part of your imagination and belief system, meaning there is more to our mind and consciousness then we think. Some people even believe this is our entry to the non-physical world, and some think it is a tool to understanding our purpose and spirituality more.

The effects of DMT are similar to many other psychedelics: kaleidoscopic visual displays; powerful emotions in a positive or negative nature; personal or religious experiences; soul searching; new ideas and expanded creativity; and a sense of body integrity.

Endogenous DMT is the DMT that is made within an organism. A gene was discovered for the coding of the enzymes that form into DMT and then is stored in the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland is the same gland that produces the hormone melatonin that makes us sleepy before we fall to sleep.

Endogenous DMT plays a role in religious experiences and spiritual experiences resembled in religious texts and traditions. DMT is also responsible in deep meditation, starvation hallucinations, and alien abduction or spiritual experiences.

The government doesn't want people to know about the true responsibilities for psychedelics because it literally clears culture from your operating-system (mind/belief-system). This is the reason why they are all looked down upon in Western civilization.

The reasons it became popular is because of psycho-naut Terrence McKenna and scientist Rick Strassman. Strassman wrote a book called DMT the Spirit Molecule, after a study on the chemical at the University of New Mexico in 1990-1995.

    DMT only lasts 7-10 minutes but to a user feels like days or even an eternity (enough time to see their who life before their eyes), but it is still not enough time to process all the information you channel.

    Because of McKenna and Strassman, awareness on DMT sould increase in the Western World and will blow many minds.

DMT is safe for people unless they have heart or blood vessel diseases and no reports of brain damage have been recorded. Though, people with a personal or family history of mental problems should not take DMT for sanity health.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


-Creativity in our youth- 
Creativity Is one of the most important properties from our human experience.  
Every child is born creative; the only way to maintain creativity is to be encouraged by parents or elders. When one's child asks, Why is the grass green? Some people may respond, Why you think its going to be red! These answers shrink creativity and narrow minds. This child will be afraid of asking observant questions, probably for the rest of his life. This is negative, because questions are very important to our education and enlightenment. Instead, people should answer such questions, I don't know, maybe you can be the one to find out. 
-Creativity's importance- 

Knowledge and creativity go hand-to-hand. Without creativity, knew ideas can't be formed out of knowledge. Creativity connects knowledge and experience resulting in expanded ideas, patterns, and concepts that shape our reality and society. 
Before any action exists, it is thought up in the amazing creative mind. Albert Einstein, one extremely creative person, came up with equations and theories that were to early for his time. Thus, you should already be concluding the affects of creativity on our consciousness. 
Imagination and creativity expand one's consciousness, giving you access to new techniques to use your mind, and of course the physical body as well. 
Being creative enhances the number of neurons that act as a bridge to the two hemispheres of the brain (left, logic ; right, emotion). This increase in neurons changes the overall outcome of your brain waves expanding your consciousness. 

-Creativity and spirituality- 
Without me even knowing it, creativity pushed me towards spirituality. This made my life so much more interesting and positive. My awareness in my reality was out of reach to the average person. 
Spirituality enriches the human experience. It doesn't matter if your wrong, it matters how you feel. Spirituality, unlike religion, consists of education and letting go of the ego and instinct.  
My life consisted of studying philosophy(spherical standing wave theory,consciousness, ect), eating healthy, altering my consciousness into higher states (mediation, knowledge, creativity, psychedelics) and being a good person to every single person whom I interact with(even my enemies) spreading positivity throughout society. 


It doesn't matter what kind of art, it is important to experiment with it. In my life, I took on making music,animation, drawing, painting, singing, and other visual arts.  
Because these arts are part of my human experience, I have more understanding in the realms of art and creativity. 
I may start of as a challenge, but that's what is spiritual about it. You can't get good at anything without practice. The more you practice/experience art,the deeper your understanding and the faster you will accelerate to professional success and/or enlightenment. 
Please do me a favor, and bring art into the early experiences of children. This will create stronger connections in/with both hemispheres of the brain. We need more creativity and and awareness in this world. 

This video contains a deeper understanding on creativity and the imagination

Fluoride’s Dark Side

        Fluoride is commonly known in the US to prevent tooth decay but because it is added into our water it effects children and individually with kidney disease.
Since 1945, the Water Department has been adding sodium fluoride to our water to try decrease tooth decay in the United States. No one has questioned if there was any negative effects from fluoridation until the late 1980’s when animal experiments and studies on human populations began. These studies have shown that fluoride disturbed many biological functions.
CHS earth science teacher Mrs. Pedersen says, “I do believe it can prevent tooth decay, however, there might be an over exposure to it in both our drinking water and our toothpastes that we use.” Kidneys excrete 50% of the consumed fluoride, but people with kidney disease, the kidney’s process to excrete becomes impaired which leads to buildup of fluoride within the body.
When fluoride is flowing through one’s blood stream, most of it is carried to the pineal gland. This gland controls our biological cycles and receives the best blood, oxygen, and proteins than any other gland in the body. The US National Research Council states fluoride’s effect on our pineal gland results in an earlier onset of puberty and effecting health in a variety of ways.
The thyroid gland is also affected by fluoride. Fluoride reduces the hormone level produced by the thyroid which causes hypothyroidism. Symptoms would include obesity, lethargy, depression, and heart disease.
Human clinical trials show that 18-34mg/day of fluoride for 1-4 years increases the risk of bone fracture. Fluoride is also shown to cause skeletal fluorosis. People are told that fluoride strengthens bones, but animal studies and human clinical trials indicate that there is rather a reduction in bone strength or no effect at all before signs of skeletal fluorosis.
The National Toxicology Program says that fluoride is a mutagenic compound which causes cancer. Government animal studies found that fluoride is linked to bone cancer and osteosarcoma, a serious type of cancer, but those studies were tested with larger amounts of fluoride than what is added in water. Individuals with kidney disease have higher risks because of the buildup in their body.
Sodium fluoride is a synthetic and inorganic compound with pH around 5. According to Professor Paul Connett, sodium fluoride consumed in high doses are more poisonous than lead and slightly more poisonous than arsenic. Within our food and water, Mrs. Pedersen says, “I don't feel we could consume a toxic amount in the course of the day.”