DMT or dimethyltryptamine is a chemical similar to serotonin that is stored in one's Pineal Gland. It is released in your brain before you were born, during meditation and when your body thinks it is dying; It is responsible for near death experiences. DMT is also found in every plant and animal on Earth.
DMT is one of the strongest psychedelics/hallucinogens (not all hallucinogens are psychedelics) known to man. When used as a drug, users will be blasted to another dimension within the mind where space and time no longer exists and many people say they get abducted by aliens or they see higher dimensional beings made of light and energy. But this is all part of your imagination and belief system, meaning there is more to our mind and consciousness then we think. Some people even believe this is our entry to the non-physical world, and some think it is a tool to understanding our purpose and spirituality more.
The effects of DMT are similar to many other psychedelics: kaleidoscopic visual displays; powerful emotions in a positive or negative nature; personal or religious experiences; soul searching; new ideas and expanded creativity; and a sense of body integrity.
Endogenous DMT is the DMT that is made within an organism. A gene was discovered for the coding of the enzymes that form into DMT and then is stored in the Pineal Gland. The Pineal Gland is the same gland that produces the hormone melatonin that makes us sleepy before we fall to sleep.
Endogenous DMT plays a role in religious experiences and spiritual experiences resembled in religious texts and traditions. DMT is also responsible in deep meditation, starvation hallucinations, and alien abduction or spiritual experiences.
The government doesn't want people to know about the true responsibilities for psychedelics because it literally clears culture from your operating-system (mind/belief-system). This is the reason why they are all looked down upon in Western civilization.
The reasons it became popular is because of psycho-naut Terrence McKenna and scientist Rick Strassman. Strassman wrote a book called DMT the Spirit Molecule, after a study on the chemical at the University of New Mexico in 1990-1995.
DMT only lasts 7-10 minutes but to a user feels like days or even an eternity (enough time to see their who life before their eyes), but it is still not enough time to process all the information you channel.
Because of McKenna and Strassman, awareness on DMT sould increase in the Western World and will blow many minds.
DMT is safe for people unless they have heart or blood vessel diseases and no reports of brain damage have been recorded. Though, people with a personal or family history of mental problems should not take DMT for sanity health.